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DoubleHARD Bandsaw Blades

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Durable All-Purpose Bandsaw blade

DoubleHard is a durable all-purpose blade for sawing softwoods, hardwoods, knotty woods, and frozen woods.

  • 2 Circular Blades. 1 Adjustable Blade.
Description DoubleHARD Bandsaw Blades

The DoubleHard sawmill blade has been Wood-Mizer’s most popular blade for more than a decade.

It is affordable and dependable for all general sawing conditions. Higher quality steel is used, and the teeth are induction hardened. DoubleHard blades are tough, non-brittle, and will not chip or wear prematurely. DoubleHard blades offer unmatched cutting flexibility, whether you want to cut frozen or kiln-dried timber, softwoods, hardwoods or knotty woods.

Both large businesses and mobile sawyers alike depend on Wood-Mizer DoubleHard blades for their sawing.

Raw material Profile Thickness / Width (mm)
BD1735 10/30 1.00 x 35
BD1740 10/30 1.00 x 40
BD1750 10/30 1.00x 50
BD2732 7/34, 10/30 1.07 x 32
BD2735 10/30 1.07 x 35
BD2750 9/29, 10/30 1.07 x 50
BD3732 7/39, 9/29, 10/30 1.14 x 32
BD3738 4/32, 7/34, 7/39, 9/29, 10/30, 13/29 1.14 x 38
BD4732 10/30 1.40 x 32
BD4738 4/32, 7/34, 10/30, 13/29 1.40 x 38
BD2738 10/30, 13/29 1.27 x 38
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