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LT70 Remote System

Description / LT70 Remote System

Wood-Mizer’s LT70 Remote integrated sawmill systems give you everything you need to process logs into finished boards more profitably with minimal expense and labour.

The LT70 Remote sawmilling systems deliver maximum production using Wood-Mizer’s orange line of sawmills. The productivity, higher log yields, affordability and low operating costs make these systems very viable solutions.

Example Systems / LT70 System

Videos / LT70 Remote System

Wood-Processing Machines/ LT70 Remote System

LT70 Remote Sawmill
Removes the round sides of a log to produce cants and boards for additional processing.
Board Edger
Removes the bark edges from boards to produce clean, squared edged boards on two sides using twin edger blades.
Log Deck
Efficiently stages and loads logs onto the sawmill equipment for processing.
Cross Transfer Deck
Transfers material for staging or processing with configurable deck options including length, height, and incline.
Roller Table
Transfers material inline or cross for additional processing including resawing and edging with configurable table options including length and height.
Belted Conveyor
Transports boards and large cants for staging or processing with configurable conveyor options including length, height, and incline.

Quote/ LT70 Remote Systems

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