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Wood-Mizer hosts customer seminar in Bangladesh


Over the course of two days, Wood-Mizer has hosted seminars in Bangladesh for customers and the curious at heart to find out more about Wood-Mizer’s product range.

Mr. Bobby Ruban Joseph, Regional Manager for South Asia, and the UAE, welcomed all visitors with the support of Wood-Mizer’s local agent Wood-Tech solution, represented by CEO Md. Naimul Hossain Khan.

The first seminar, held on July 23rd in Badda, Dhaka, was presented in Hindi language. Local sawmillers and furniture manufacturers who attended the event, had the opportunity to get hands-on with the robust LT15 Wide sawmill. This sawmill offers a cutting capacity for diameters up to 90cm, being the widest of the LT15 sawmill range.

Another seminar was held in Savar, in the outskirts of Dhaka, where Wood-Mizer displayed an LT15 Wide sawmill along with an HR115 resaw.

Sawmillers from the vicinity were able to see for themselves the quality of the cut, and the production level that a sawmill can provide when paired with a resaw.

Thoughts were shared freely in a very interactive Q&A session. Customers shared their experiences with their sawmills, along with tips and tricks on blade maintenance and how to obtain a smooth cut.

“It’s always great to interact with our customers in Bangladesh and have the opportunity to understand how we, as a company, can help them and their businesses to thrive.” Says Mr. Bobby Ruban Joseph. “I’m very thankful to everyone who attended and helped make this seminar a huge success.”

One of the goals of the seminar was to familiarize customers and prospective clients with the importance of proper blade maintenance. A BMS250 sharpener and a BMT150 tooth setter were displayed, and visitors were able to learn about the blade maintenance process by sharpening and setting a blade themselves.

“The seminars were also the perfect opportunity to formally introduce Wood-Tech solution as the Wood-Mizer agent in Bangladesh,” shares Md. Naimul Hossain Khan., “Our customers must know we are here to support them and provide them with the solutions and technical support they need.”

Wood-Tech solution is a woodworking technology center and an official Wood-Mizer representative located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. To see a Wood-Mizer product in action you can always visit the display center closest to you:

  • Corporate Office: Room: 402, 3rd Floor, Nawabpur Tower, 198-202 Nawabpur Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Display Center: Modina Nogor (Opposite Side of Modinatul Ulum Madrasa), Konakhola, Keranigonj, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Badda Display Center: Satarkul Road, Uttor Badda, Satarkul ,Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Jessore Display Center: Mollah Para Mor (Opposite side of BCMC College), Dhaka Road, Jessore, Bangladesh
  • Display Center: Modina Nogor (Opposite Side of Modinatul Ulum Madrasa), Konakhola, Keranigonj, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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